July Fest


07/14 - 07/16    


Court Street, from the Courthouse to Water Street
Court Street, Binghamton, New York, 13901
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Binghamton’s 55th Annual JulyFest returns to downtown Binghamton bigger and better than ever with something for the entire family – art, music, crafts, races and great food. It’s a downtown celebration! Located on Court Street, between the Court House and Water Street with Washington Street between Court and Hawley.

Friday, July 14th
10 AM — July Fest Opens – Arts, Crafts
Noon — Music on M&T stage and Kidz Art Zone
5 PM — Music & Jazz Festival officially opens
7 PM — Concert on main M&T concert stage
11 PM — Festival Closes for evening

Saturday, July 15th
9 AM — Parlor City 5k Run, Water Street Downtown Binghamton.  “Kid’s Run” across the Court Street Bridge following the race.
10 AM — July Fest Opens
Noon — Music & Jazz Festival Begins and Kidz Art Zone

Sunday, July 16th
10 AM — July Fest Opens
Noon — Kidz Art Zone
5 PM — July Fest/ Music & Jazz Festival Closes!!!