Joyce KL Smith Environmental Photography Show Opening Reception


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Broome County Arts Council Gallery
81 State Street, Suite 501, Binghamton, NY, 13901
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2017 Joyce K.L. Smith Environmental Photography Show
Opening Reception
Friday, July 7th from 6-9pm (with awards at 6:15pm)

Winning and honorable mention photographs from the Broome County Environmental Management Council’s (EMC) 17th Joyce K.L. Smith Environmental Photograph Competition, will be displayed at the Broome County Arts Council Gallery, 81 State Street, Suite 501 in Binghamton. An opening reception will be held during First Friday from 6-9pm and is open to the public. The photos will be on display until July 28th during gallery hours. (Click here to join the Facebook event as a reminder

The event aims to celebrate Broome County’s natural environment, with this year’s theme being “Our Forested Lands”. Photos that highlighted the beauty and importance of our forests were given special consideration in the competition.

Entrants submitted photographs in three categories: Natural Landscape, Wild Life and Plant Life. Honors were awarded for Best in Show, Best in Theme and Best Student Photo, as well as First Place and several Honorable Mentions in each of the categories. There will also be information highlighting this year’s theme.

The event is held in honor of Joyce K.L. Smith, a longtime EMC member and local leader for the environment. Contributions to the Joyce Smith Memorial Fund, which is dedicated to furthering environmental education and enhancing environmental quality, are welcome and appreciated. You may visit for more information.

This event was made possible by the following partners and sponsors:
Broome County Environmental Management Council
Two Rivers Photography Club
Sierra Club
Naturalist’s Club of Broome County
Beyond the Print
A Frame Shoppe
Broome County Arts Council
New York State Forest Owners Association