Kickin’ it for Kids Celebrity Kickball Tournament


9:00 am - 2:00 pm


BAGSAI Complex
136 Lt. VanWinkle Drive, Binghamton, NY, 13905
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Join the Binghamton Rumble Ponies and Family Enrichment Network for the Kickin’ it for Kids Celebrity Kickball Tournament!

Kids and Adult teams welcome! Registration limited to the first 8 Kids Teams and first 8 Adult Teams.

CALL 607-723-8313 EXT. 847 with questions

Kids Teams will each have a Binghamton Rumble Ponies Player as their “Celebrity” Coach!

Single elimination braket tournament. Games = 35min or 6 innings max.

Event T-shirt included for each player.

Winning Kids Team will be introduced with the Rumble Ponies Starting Line up on the field at the August 23rd Rumble Ponies Home Game!

All participating Kids Teams will be featured on the field at the August 23rd game!

Kids Teams:
– $15 per child
– Ages 6-13 years
– Teams must consist of 10-11 players, Co-ed teams encourgaed!
– Kids teams MUST have a Parent Representative at the
tournament with the team.

Adult Teams:
– $25 per player
– ages 14 & over
– Teams must consist of 10-11 players, Co-ed teams encouraged!

All event proceeds benefit Family Enrichment Network.